A small bolt size and fitted with thousands of bolts to hold the steel plates in the hull of a large ship. When crossing the Indian Ocean is malignant, it threatened the small bolt loose. It made thousands of others are threatened loose bolts as well.Other small bolts shout strengthen, "Look out! Hold on tight! If you loose we will loose! "The cry was heard by the steel plates that make them call the same thing. In fact all parts of the ship to give my encouragement to a small bolt it to survive. They caution that the small bolts that are very important for the safety of the ship.
If he gave up and let go of the handle, the entire contents of the ship would sink. The support would make a small bolt back to find the significance of the ship itself among other components. With all his strength, he was trying to survive for the salvation of the whole ship. Unfortunately, the world of work is often in contrast with the above illustration. We're actually excited to see co-workers tend to "fall", even if we will feel proud of our own which makes co-workers failed in their responsibilities. If it is allowed, meaning that the split is starting and we unconsciously dig his own grave.
Dipersembahkan Oleh : cillasmartcorp ~ Guyonane Wong Ndablek
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