Written By cillasmartcorp on Minggu, 29 Januari 2012 | Minggu, Januari 29, 2012

With Learning from the experience of Mr. Kentir, making us stunned for a moment, what is unconditional love? How he sacrificed and happy in the sacrifice? It is amazing the love that he gave to his wife. Hopefully this story can make reflection for us ..

Here's the story of Mr. Kentir :

Judging from his age he no longer youthful, age has even been approached evening twilight. Mr. Kentir (58 years), every day is filled with caring for his ill wife wife also was old. They were married more than 32 years.They were blessed with four sons. Here is the temptation strikes Mr. Kentir named after his wife gave birth to four children who all of a sudden his legs paralyzed and can not be moved again, and it happened for 2 years. Stepping on the 3rd year, all his wife's body becomes very weak and was not even bony, his tongue also can not be moved again. 

Every day Mr. Kentir bathe her, clean up litter, feeding, and lifted her onto the bed. Before leaving for work he had put his wife in front of the TV so she did not feel lonely. Although she can not talk anymore but he always saw her smiling. Luckily the place of business Mr. Kentir is not so far from home, so during the day he came home to feed her lunch, and afternoon he came home his wife to bathe, change clothes and in the evening he accompanied his wife to watch television while telling other what he experienced all day. Although she could only see but can not respond, Mr. Kentir was quite happy even she was always teasing his wife each goes to sleep. These routines do Mr. Kentir for 25 years, with a patient he treated his wife even as he raised to four hearts, and now their children are adults living alone are the youngest still in college. 

On a day to four children Mr. Kentir their parents gathered at home while visiting his mother. Because they got married after the child had lived with their families and their mother decided Mr. Kentir he cared, he wanted only one of all children succeed.With the sentence carefully enough the elder brother said, "Dad, we'd love to take care of my mother since we were kids my mother saw my father taking care not an iota of complaint out of my father's lips ... .... Even my father did not allow us to keep the Mother."With tears in his eyes the boy went on his words, "who's the fourth time we've allowed my father married again, we felt it would also allow her mother, father enjoy his old age when my father with such sacrifices ? We can not bear to see my father, we promised to take care of the mother as well as possible in turn. "Mr. Kentir answer something totally unexpected their children, "Hay.. My children ..... ... If marriage and live in this world just to lust, maybe the father will marry again ... .. but know your mother besides the father, it was more than enough for my father, and she has given birth to you all safe and sound. For a moment his throat choked up, ... I miss you guys are always present in this world with love, and none who can appreciate anything. Will you ask your mother if she wanted him to like this situation.

You wanted him happy, whether inner father could be happy with the situation leave your mother now? You want a father who was given the God of health and cared for by someone else, what about your mother who is still sick. "
For a moment, burst out crying children Pak Kentir they also see small droplets falling eyelids mother .. with mournful eyes staring at her husband who she loved it .. The finally, Mr.Kentir invited by one of the private TV station to become a resource and they also ask questions of Mr. Kentir, why can survive for 25 years caring for his wife who was not capable of anything .. that's when he burst out crying with guests in the studio, mostly women, and also could not resist touching that is where Mr. Kentir recalled :

'If people in this world glorifies a love in her marriage, but do not want to give (to give time, energy, thoughts, and attention) is a vanity.
 I chose my wife became my life companion, and when he's healthy he also patiently cared for me and loved me with your heart not with his inner eye, and he gave me 4 children are funny ..Now he's sick because of our shared sacrifice for the love .. and it is a test for me, I can hold the commitment to love what is.

I am also not necessarily a healthy substitute for my wife ... especially when my wife sick ..!!!!

Dipersembahkan Oleh : cillasmartcorp ~ Guyonane Wong Ndablek

Kentir01 Sobat sedang membaca artikel tentang UNCONDITIONAL LOVE STORY..!! dan sobat bisa menemukan artikel UNCONDITIONAL LOVE STORY..!! ini dengan url http://guyonsmart.blogspot.com/2012/01/unconditional-love-story.html?m=0, Sobat boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel UNCONDITIONAL LOVE STORY..!! ini sangat bermanfaat bagi sobat semua, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link dibawah ini sebagai sumbernya :
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